jueves, 18 de octubre de 2018

traductor liblouis Open-Source

Liblouis*. The Liblouis software suite provides an open-source braille translator, back-translator and formatter for a large number of languages and braille codes.

Stable versions

The latest stable version of liblouis and liblouisutdml. The source can be built with configure && make && make install. The windows binary contains the library and all the tools and can be used as-is.
Summary File
Liblouis (source) liblouis-3.7.0.tar.gz, liblouis-3.7.0.zip
Liblouis (Windows build) liblouis-3.7.0-win32.zip
Liblouisutdml (source) liblouisutdml-2.7.0.tar.gz

Development versions

The development versions of liblouis and liblouisutdml contain the latest changes. The windows binary is pre-built and as of last night. The source versions need to be built with autogen.sh && configure && make && make install, i.e. they require autoconf and automake in addition to make and a C compiler.
Summary File
Liblouis (source) liblouis.tar.gz, liblouis.zip
Liblouis nightly build (Windows 32 bit) liblouis-win32-*.zip
Liblouisutdml (source) Liblouisutdml.tar.gz

Source code

Up-to-date versions can be checked out directly from the source code repositories.
Summary Source code repository
Liblouis https://github.com/liblouis/liblouis.git
Liblouisutdml https://github.com/liblouis/liblouisutdml.git

Old versions

Refer to the github releases pages for old versions of liblouis and liblouisutdml.
Summary Github releases page
Liblouis https://github.com/liblouis/liblouis/releases
Liblouisutdml https://github.com/liblouis/liblouisutdml/releases

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